Thursday Mar 02, 2023
Vastly Superior to Angels
The theme of Hebrews is the surpassing glory of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the heir of all things appointed by God. He is the one from whom all things have ultimately come because he is the creator of the world. He is the radiance of God's glory, the exact image of his nature, the upholder of the universe, the one who has provided purification for our sins. And he is seated now at the right hand of the majesty and high. In this episode of Hear the Word of God, Rev. Alexander takes us through Hebrews 1:4-14, discussing the theme of the superiority of the Lord Jesus Christ to the angels. Why all these verses devoted to angels? What are we to think about angels? Some sections of the early church were misled and confused about angels. Some in the Church today get sidetracked—whether by angels or some other distractions. Eric's message encourages us not to be diverted from the very anchor of our souls and to come to know him in all His fullness and glory.
Hebrews 1:4-14